Online ad for Adidas Switzerland in collaboration with Ochsner Sport.
Director: Samuel Morris
DOP: Fabio Tozzo
Client: Adidas
Production: HILLTON
Producer: Gilles Germann
1st AD: Urs Berlinger
1st AC: Sven Probst
Gaffer: Lukas Graf
H&M: Julia Althof
Editing: Samuel Morris
Sound Design: Jingle Jungle
Colorgrading: Fabio Tozzo
Cast: Charlène Keller, Sara Leutenegger, Minhtwo
Samuel Morris is a young director from Basel, Switzerland. His steady quest for combining witty storytelling with stylistically elaborated visuals makes him the ultimate fit to the HILLTON family.
Not shying away from any bigger idea led him to the making of the two season series “Nr. 47”, winning him the Zurich Television Award in 2018.