“Snowciety” is an experimental documentary exploring the true self of the world-renowned Swiss winter resort St.Moritz.
Premiered by Nowness, Winner Vimeo Awards 2020 "Best of the year", Nominated at YDA Cannes 2019.
Director: Kris Lüdi
DP: Daryl Hefti
Production: HILLTON
Producer: David Müller
AC: Roland Ogg
Editor: Bela Adami
Colorist: Yves Roy Vallaster
Graphic Design: Boris Stoll
Music Treatment: Alban Schelbert
SD & Sound Mix: Jingle Jungle
Special thanks: Ivo Flurin, Pascal Zimmermann, Andri Stoisser, Severin Niggli, Weli Torriani, Men Schmidt, Armando Guetg, Roman Lauer, Colin Schmid